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Nutritional Properties of Nine Microgreens Consumed in Thailand

Jareerat Chunthawodtiporn, Thanyatorn Kuengsaard, Benya Manochai, Peerapong Pornwongthong


Microgreens are considered to be novel functional foods based on their nutritional properties. Compositional data of bioactive compounds and mineral nutrients with different conditions are crucial for customers. This study aimed to determine the nutritional values of some microgreens that were commonly consumed in Thailand. Nine microgreens from five families were analyzed for total anthocyanins, β-carotene and antioxidant activity by microplate reader, while vitamin C was assayed by a reflectometer. Mineral compositions of calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc were analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy with air acetylene. Microgreens were found to be a good source of antioxidant, vitamin C, K and Ca. Chinese radish accumulated the highest amount of vitamin C and Fe, at 404 μg/g fresh weight (FW) and 3.79 mg/g dry weight (DW), respectively, while red cabbage was the good source of β-carotene, accounting for 2.01 mg/g FW and Ca, at 283 mg/g DW. Water spinach and red sorrel were rich in potassium, at approximately 376 and 301 mg/g DW, respectively. However, people with impaired kidney conditions could choose sunflower and Chinese radish microgreens to avoid the adverse effects on heart function, while still receiving other nutrients from them. In conclusion, this study provided crucial information for microgreens selection that are consumed in Thailand.


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DOI: 10.14416/j.asep.2022.05.006


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